Construction Consulting Business
- Ingérosec Corporation -
In June 2001, SEC launched a joint venture company, Ingérosec Corporation, with Ingérop, a long-term technical and collaborative partner of SEC and a major French engineering company. Ingérosec Corporation has begun to do business not only in Japan, but also overseas, putting the international track record and expertise of Ingérop to practical use. Ingérosec is active in official development assistance (ODA), public works in Japan, public-private partnership (PPP) projects, and large domestic projects.
Business Content
Community Development, Urban Planning, R&D, Disaster Readiness
Under the principle of enabling all people to lead their life with dignity, we provide consulting services to find, form, execute, monitor and review development projects.Water, Energy, Environment
We offers services that cover all stages of a project, from concept design to construction supervision, in the areas of water supply, water treatment, ports, harbors and rivers.We are working together with INGÉROP’ s global network towards sustainable development without compromising environmental conservation.
Roads, Transport
WE engages in surveys, planning, design and construction supervision of roads and bridges in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Central and South America and elsewhere.To satisfy various needs of our customers and various local site conditions, Ingérosec engineers develop on projects not only a high level of engineering, but also carry out their duty with a high sense of professionalism and responsibility.
Bridges, Structures
We design projects using clear concepts and close attention to details. Through deep discussion between team members and with external high-level advisers, we analyze carefully project conditions and client’ s needs to determine the optimal structures, taking into account both architecture and efficiency in terms of cost, durability, constructability and functionality.Ingérosec’s Bridges and Structures teams propose solutions based on international level technologies using our technical partnership with France-based lngerop.
Repair, Equipment Supply, Preservation
Based on our technologies cultivated in the course of numerous projects we have managed in different countries,we propose construction methods with enhanced speed,environmental friendliness and sustainability that achieve construction quality and safety.